Catholic education in the Diocese of Allentown is an expression of the mission entrusted by Jesus to the Church He founded. Through education, the Church seeks to prepare its members to proclaim the gospel and to translate this proclamation into action.

Parents are the primary educators of their children. They invite teachers in the Catholic school to share this responsibility, which includes the Christian formation of their children, as well as quality education. Teachers who accept this invitation “determine whether the Catholic school can bring its goals and undertakings to fruition.”1

Parents rightfully look to teachers as persons whose faith is living, conscious, and active: “The integration of religious truths and values with the rest of life is brought about in the Catholic school not only by its unique curriculum, but more important, by the presence of teachers who express an integrated approach to learning and living in their private and professional lives.”2 Teachers in Catholic schools are expected to accept and live the Christian message and to strive to instill a Christian spirit in their students.3

1Declaration on Christian Education, p. 8
2To Teach as Jesus Did, p. 104
3Sharing the Light of Faith, p. 143